Thursday, January 29, 2009


Up here in the ceaseless, arctic tundra that is Chicago my mind has been on slow-drip for months. I feel like that should mean only the finest thoughts are distilled. But, at the end of the day it's viscous sap that refuses to be decanted.

Do you have any idea how long it just took me to put those three sentences together?

Oh forget it. I'm going to bed.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Year of the Ox

I suppose I should have some uniquely profound observations to start off the new year but I don't. I am, instead of pontificating, wallowing in a day long Bones marathon on TNT. Not really conducive to deep thoughts.

Neither is this headache. I don't really know where it came from. We were home fairly early and I didn't drink all that much. It might be a food those happen? There was a lot of food at that party. There is always a lot of food at our parties. I think we are beginning to reach the tipping point where our parties are more food than booze. I'm OK with that. Does that make me old or fat? Or both? I can hear my elliptical machine laugh at that question. It knows the answer.

I was excited about the prospect of 2009 being nice and calm but it's not turning out that way. It is, in fact, shaping up to be a more hectic year than last. But I think it's going to turn out to be a good thing, this consistent busyness. I'm good with projects and deadlines and I haven't really had any since the theater closed its doors. I should probably thank my girlfriends for getting married and pregnant just so I have a bunch of stuff to do this year. But this is also the year I'm supposed to quit smoking, lose 10 pounds, move to a new, well, apartment at least and decide if I'm going to go back to school. So, you see, hectic.

I spent most of today in bed, watching TV. I guess it's time to get up and get going. How's that for profound?